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Tuesday, June 14, 2022

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/3uRJPyI

Jennifer Hudson becomes an EGOT as a co-producer of the winning musical, ‘A Strange Loop.’

By Julia Jacobs via NYT Theater https://ift.tt/0bME1uh

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/U2dOpjH

Show HN: The Coinbase FOMO Calculator https://ift.tt/ZGFa7mk

Show HN: The Coinbase FOMO Calculator Made this using Power BI and the Crypto Watch API. Started making this in November 2021, but never got around to publishing it, so that is the reason for the 'FOMO' in the title - probably a good thing if you 'missed out' on the crypto hype late last year. Now it serves as a way to see how much you 'saved' by not putting in money. Hope someone finds it fun! https://ift.tt/a7XjAOg June 14, 2022 at 04:02AM

She Wrote a Dystopian Novel. What Happened Next Was Pretty Dystopian.

By Pamela Paul via NYT Opinion https://ift.tt/I9dSX2k

How Much Water Do You Actually Need?

By Christie Aschwanden via NYT Well https://ift.tt/x6Uw3SO

Monday, June 13, 2022

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/XcV8NQs

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/MeuwKlx

‘Scared and Tired’: Thousands Across the U.S. Rally Against Gun Violence

By Michael Wines, Anne Barnard, Sean Keenan, Dave Montgomery and Meghann M. Cuniff via NYT U.S. https://ift.tt/TOp1Qw5

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/tn5qLNi

What Your Dog Wants

By Melinda Wenner Moyer via NYT Well https://ift.tt/bHVRXS3

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/EI2guJX

Show HN: Reddit search engine for startup founders https://ift.tt/a6J1Ovp

Show HN: Reddit search engine for startup founders https://ift.tt/CuSiEL9 June 13, 2022 at 02:14AM

Sunday, June 12, 2022

‘The Wire’ in Five Scenes

By Jeremy Egner and Austin Considine via NYT Arts https://ift.tt/2VMXiLy

Save Your Face From the Sun

By Rachel Felder via NYT Style https://ift.tt/WaUw1Z0

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/U7m8QsW

Show HN: Browser extension that spoofs your location data to match your VPN https://ift.tt/qdrvNt2

Show HN: Browser extension that spoofs your location data to match your VPN https://ift.tt/ZJNK36l June 12, 2022 at 02:10AM

Show HN: Album Rotation – Organize and visualize your favorite albums (desktop) https://ift.tt/Cv2c5XD

Show HN: Album Rotation – Organize and visualize your favorite albums (desktop) https://ift.tt/6BXVF8l June 12, 2022 at 01:50AM

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/pxy8NKa

Show HN: Generate images using DALL-E Mega and Mini https://ift.tt/oTZVeGU

Show HN: Generate images using DALL-E Mega and Mini https://ift.tt/gRcHqDT June 11, 2022 at 06:04PM

Friday, June 10, 2022


from Twitter https://twitter.com/frankienash54

June 10, 2022 at 06:55AM
via frankienash54

A New Study Points to a Surprisingly Simple Way to Ward Off Knee Pain

By Dani Blum via NYT Well https://ift.tt/RFkYOmM

Five Marines Dead in Military Plane Crash in California

By Eduardo Medina and Christine Chung via NYT U.S. https://ift.tt/aPf8FlJ

The Meme That Derailed an Executive’s Career

By Jacob Bernstein via NYT Fashion https://ift.tt/EhRCpsj

Show HN: Pixie, open source observability for Kubernetes using eBPF https://ift.tt/iVCUbgW

Show HN: Pixie, open source observability for Kubernetes using eBPF https://ift.tt/NQjHBXt June 9, 2022 at 10:54PM

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/j1l0F5Z

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Recommended Recipe for you:

Post your Instagram videos to Twitter

Russia Seeks Buyers for Plundered Ukraine Grain, U.S. Warns https://t.co/3BWDLe2Os2

from Twitter https://twitter.com/frankienash54

June 09, 2022 at 06:55AM
via frankienash54

Spelling Bee Forum

By Isaac Aronow and Doug Mennella via NYT Gameplay https://ift.tt/CGvDEqP

Retired General Investigated Over Undisclosed Lobbying for Qatar

By Mark Mazzetti and David D. Kirkpatrick via NYT U.S. https://ift.tt/VJkNj23

Breast Cancer Drug Trial Results in ‘Unheard-Of’ Survival

By Gina Kolata via NYT Health https://ift.tt/LjOQmD0

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/CVMI9Ag

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

It’s Been 50 Years. I Am Not ‘Napalm Girl’ Anymore.

By Kim Phuc Phan Thi via NYT Opinion https://ift.tt/8UpCt5x

Democrats Can Win This Fall if They Make One Key Promise

By Josh Marshall via NYT Opinion https://ift.tt/9NKa6Zg

Spelling Bee Forum

By Isaac Aronow and Doug Mennella via NYT Gameplay https://ift.tt/xD1MUgc

Russia Seeks Buyers for Plundered Ukraine Grain, U.S. Warns

By Declan Walsh and Valerie Hopkins via NYT World https://ift.tt/mOVtkSG

Show HN: Making network frames physical objects in UE5 with a DIY CNI in 67s https://ift.tt/iY5ZFk3

Show HN: Making network frames physical objects in UE5 with a DIY CNI in 67s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soxJmFpoNTU June 7, 2022 at 03:37AM

I Married the Wrong Person, and I’m So Glad I Did

By Tish Harrison Warren via NYT Opinion https://ift.tt/yKsX1G0

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/GAI1EQz

Monday, June 6, 2022

Why the Air at the Gym May Be More Likely to Spread Covid

By Gretchen Reynolds via NYT Well https://ift.tt/oZUBAid

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/30RB96G

Show HN: Pidove, an Alternative to the Java Streams API https://ift.tt/HNvhLGw

Show HN: Pidove, an Alternative to the Java Streams API https://ift.tt/LiKTQzg June 6, 2022 at 02:21AM

Show HN: End-to-End 3D Hand Pose Estimation from Stereo Cameras https://ift.tt/1vtiamC

Show HN: End-to-End 3D Hand Pose Estimation from Stereo Cameras https://ift.tt/L3Ex4Hi June 6, 2022 at 01:07AM

There’s a New Gerber Baby and Some Parents Are Mad

By Elisabeth Donnelly via NYT Style https://ift.tt/FpvJdtb

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/SotnlWX

Sunday, June 5, 2022

For 2 Graffiti Artists, New York’s Subway Was Irresistible and Deadly

By Corina Knoll via NYT New York https://ift.tt/H41aL2u

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/fqcsQ8W

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/CgluAv3

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/qobWrzc

Go Here, Not There: Vacation Alternatives for the Budget-Conscious

By Elaine Glusac via NYT Travel https://ift.tt/01Xouqd

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/wEOGz1v

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/UNS4rpy

Show HN: Grid.js – Advanced table library that works everywhere (2020) https://ift.tt/oU0fVeF

Show HN: Grid.js – Advanced table library that works everywhere (2020) https://gridjs.io/?hn June 4, 2022 at 11:35PM

Saturday, June 4, 2022

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/XYL32nF

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/g3xnmcA

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/Gzy46JK

Show HN: I love FitnessSF, but I hate their mobile app https://ift.tt/eDdi39l

Show HN: I love FitnessSF, but I hate their mobile app In order to enter my gym, FitnessSF, I must load up their mobile app to open a QR code and scan in. Their app takes roughly 10,000 years to load so I stand like an idiot at the front desk, turning the app off and on again to just get the QR code. I wrote a little bit of javascript that hits the FitnessSF API and generates a Mobile Wallet Pass. I also hard coded all the fitness SF lat/long locations, so the mobile wallet will pop up when you're nearby. I hope this restores a little bit of sanity in someone else's life. https://ift.tt/MeFI7mr June 3, 2022 at 11:33PM

Show HN: Ezbitmap.com, create beautiful images from ASCII art https://ift.tt/UKaw1sV

Show HN: Ezbitmap.com, create beautiful images from ASCII art https://ift.tt/MKsrmwL June 3, 2022 at 04:24PM

Friday, June 3, 2022

Show HN: I wrote a short story about the Minus World in Super Mario Bros https://ift.tt/vZbKLBj

Show HN: I wrote a short story about the Minus World in Super Mario Bros https://ift.tt/oBaCrHO June 3, 2022 at 04:32AM

The Middlemen at the Heart of an Oligarch-Industrial Complex

By Michael Forsythe, Gaia Pianigiani and Julian E. Barnes via NYT World https://ift.tt/tFoG59h

Are We Close to a Treatment for Celiac Disease?

By Alice Callahan via NYT Well https://ift.tt/RS5JoQg

Europe’s Russian Oil Ban Could Overhaul Global Energy Market

By Clifford Krauss via NYT Business https://ift.tt/5PeQvKz

KK, Singer of Bollywood Hits, Dies at 53 After a Concert

By Suhasini Raj via NYT Arts https://ift.tt/bHhAgoX

It’s Going to Be a Hot Summer. It Will Be Hotter if You’re Not Rich.

By Anne Barnard, Corey Kilgannon, Jazmine Hughes, Emma Goldberg and Stephanie Mei-Ling via NYT New York https://ift.tt/pefYB72

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/q0x4W2O

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Megalodons vs. Great White Sharks? We Know Which Predator Won.

By Veronique Greenwood via NYT Science https://ift.tt/rJmod9I

I Thought Putin Invaded Only Ukraine. I Was Wrong.

By Thomas L. Friedman via NYT Opinion https://ift.tt/RIvhBYQ

Why Do Women Sprout Chin Hairs as They Age?

By Melinda Wenner Moyer via NYT Well https://ift.tt/5SCfBi0

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/fCOdNuz

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/fyQ0rB7

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/wokfL6V

Show HN: spotify-player – A command driven Spotify player https://ift.tt/yhtY3db

Show HN: spotify-player – A command driven Spotify player https://ift.tt/cufwFmR June 2, 2022 at 12:58AM

Show HN: A friend and I spent 6 years making a simulation game, finally released https://ift.tt/8cngIAQ

Show HN: A friend and I spent 6 years making a simulation game, finally released I've seen some interests in (simulation) video games here on HN so I thought I'd share a short version of our story. More than 6 years ago, me and my friend from university were playing around with an idea of making a game we always wanted to play. We worked on it on weekends but the progress was quite slow, especially due to so many dead ends and wasted effort. Eventually however, we solidified our direction and decided to take the risk to resign from our well paid SWE jobs and work on it full time. It took more than a year but yesterday we have finally released it on Steam: https://ift.tt/1reJjlB... I am still not sure if this was a good decision financially, but unlike in a corporate environment, I am so much happier working on a product that I can put my love into and see people enjoy it, see my direct impact, and be able to make big decisions (although this also adds a lot of stress). I also quite enjoy the added SWE challenges. I had to write so many complex algorithms (path-finding, logistics, serialization, ...) and optimize things down to bits (shaders, compression of in-memory data, ...) that were rarely required by my corp job. Anyhow, this is getting a little long, feel free to ask any questions, I will do my best to answer them. June 1, 2022 at 07:31PM

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Why Masks Work, but Mandates Haven’t

By David Leonhardt via NYT Briefing https://ift.tt/TOKLEhS

My Roommate Won’t Pay Rent and Won’t Leave. What Can I Do?

By Ronda Kaysen via NYT Real Estate https://ift.tt/Dl4CUTF

These 90-Year-Old Runners Have Some Advice for You

By Talya Minsberg and Alexander Aguiar via NYT Sports https://ift.tt/dsjR81A

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/l9ejP7y

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/PzNDJYG

Show HN: I made React with a faster Virtual DOM https://ift.tt/WvRrmSF

Show HN: I made React with a faster Virtual DOM Hi! I made a React compatibility library for a Virtual DOM library (https://ift.tt/pkqo6h8). The idea is to have much faster rendering (a compiler optimizes virtual DOM beforehand) while ensuring the same developer experience React provides. This is very, VERY early stage, so be prepared for weird bugs / plugin incompatibility / etc. If you have any suggestions, I'd be more than happy if you replied in a comment with it! You can spin up the demo here >> https://ift.tt/1LHdJz3 June 1, 2022 at 12:34AM

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Spelling Bee Forum

By Isaac Aronow and Doug Mennella via NYT Gameplay https://ift.tt/py60CLg