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Tuesday, August 2, 2022

BeyoncĂ© Will Change Lyrics After Criticism Over ‘Ableist Language’

By Julia Jacobs via NYT Arts https://ift.tt/Wf83H1y

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/qzA0FwJ

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/N3TXKqo

Show HN: PiBox: a tiny personal server for self-hosting https://ift.tt/1fPOJ4E

Show HN: PiBox: a tiny personal server for self-hosting Heya HN! We've built a Raspberry PI CM4 based SSD NAS for home hosting. We built it as a part of KubeSail.com - which is a platform aimed at making self-hosting easy and at making the technical bits (tunneling, backups, updates, etc) as easy as possible. You may have seen plans for this about 9 months ago on HN, but we're finally in full production! I'll be booking tickets to fly out and help assemble the 2nd batch in a few days - we're effectively a two person computer company, which is a lot of fun and a crazy amount of work. Our mission is to make home-hosting a website, an app, or just personal photos a reasonable alternative to SaaS products. https://pibox.io/order August 1, 2022 at 11:04PM

Monday, August 1, 2022

Show HN: International Legal Dictionary https://ift.tt/qI7b3FO

Show HN: International Legal Dictionary I'm a pro bono attorney, and have been really interested in making the law easier to understand. I also see a ton of government resources online in varying degrees of usability. And for sure, there's no interoperability between them. This is an international legal dictionary, an experiment in improving the situation: glossaries are scraped and parses from official sources: https://ift.tt/i28qgst . The results are saved as datasets in well formed JSON with Dublin Core metadata: https://ift.tt/PqMz5LE I add Library of Congress subject headings to the sources, to enable filtering (still to come). The web app is basically an old-school mashup, which I've always liked. Another experiment is using the Dale-Chall readability formula to improve the reader's experience. Here's an example of it at work: https://ift.tt/wX7I2hL This is an experiment, using readability as a relative metric. I.e., not extracing an absolute grade-level score as its normaly used. Instead, using it to compare different definitions of the same phrase. My theory is, there's strong scientific validity for this use, even when applied to very short passages: All I simply want is to figure out, "Which is more readable? Passage A or B?" And then, my code sorts the definitions in order of readability to (theoretically) produce a newspaper-article-like effect: A reader can read the first couple of sentences to get an overview of the story. https://ift.tt/myeKnPO August 1, 2022 at 03:11AM

Is Pilates as Good as Everyone Says?

By Danielle Friedman via NYT Well https://ift.tt/ATmoECS

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/axgrTpb

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/sYP78jv

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/XY2Acxd

Show HN: Rentaflop – Render your Blender projects without sacrificing quality https://ift.tt/nS2YTbF

Show HN: Rentaflop – Render your Blender projects without sacrificing quality Hi HN, My name is David Sokol, and I'm the founder of rentaflop (https://rentaflop.com). We're a crowdsourced render farm aimed at making Blender rendering fast and affordable. If you've used Blender, then I'm sure you've experienced the pain of waiting around for your animations to render. You've probably even had to sacrifice the quality of your work to reduce your render times. I've been there too. If you're like me, then you're also disappointed with the alternative solutions: spending thousands of dollars on graphics cards or using prohibitively expensive cloud render farms to get fast render times. Our solution to this dilemma is to leverage low opportunity cost hardware from around the world to allow Blender artists to render their projects quickly, affordably, and without compromising on quality. Since most graphics card owners aren't utilizing their hardware to do valuable work 24/7, we provide them with a way to make money without lifting a finger, while lowering the cost curve for 3D rendering. We're currently doing a private beta. If you'd like to get early access, check out our site (https://rentaflop.com) and join the waitlist. If you're a graphics card owner who wants to help Blender artists while earning money, reach out to support@rentaflop.com and we'll help you get set up. Please leave a comment below, we'd love to hear your thoughts :) July 31, 2022 at 10:59PM

Show HN: A WYSIWYM Markdown editor and brainstorming tool on the web https://ift.tt/HaLUkiS

Show HN: A WYSIWYM Markdown editor and brainstorming tool on the web https://ift.tt/HRSYf41 July 31, 2022 at 06:18PM

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Recommended Recipe for you:

Save popular NYTimes articles to Pocket

JetBlue and Spirit announce plan to merge, creating fifth-largest U.S. airline. https://t.co/oHCqh6cInu

from Twitter https://twitter.com/frankienash54

July 31, 2022 at 06:55AM
via frankienash54

Feeling Dismissed? How to Spot ‘Medical Gaslighting’ and What to Do About It.

By Christina Caron via NYT Well https://ift.tt/cuiKe3s

‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ Closes on Broadway as Creators Spar With Rudin

By Michael Paulson via NYT Theater https://ift.tt/iLJDtXK

Exxon and Chevron Report Record Profits on High Oil and Gas Prices

By Isabella Simonetti via NYT Business https://ift.tt/CWAe1Js

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/PJmY4iU

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Watching Trump Play Golf: Decent Drives, Skipped Putts, Lots of Sweat

By Bill Pennington via NYT Sports https://ift.tt/IzHCFi0

Which City Is Most Expensive for Renters? You Might Be Surprised.

By Stefanos Chen via NYT Real Estate https://ift.tt/VqxiM4o

‘It’s Scary’: Gay Men Confront a Health Crisis With Echoes of the Past

By Liam Stack via NYT New York https://ift.tt/UyzOoKw

Heh-Heh. Huh-Huh. Mike Judge Brings Back ‘Beavis and Butt-Head.’

By Dave Itzkoff via NYT Arts https://ift.tt/Bwv5TrP

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/1SDmHP9

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/Kqldw43

Show HN: P2PCF – Low cost, low effort WebRTC signalling using Cloudflare workers https://ift.tt/0G3rzdw

Show HN: P2PCF – Low cost, low effort WebRTC signalling using Cloudflare workers https://ift.tt/r7Z6fHU July 29, 2022 at 11:45PM

Friday, July 29, 2022

4,000 Mistreated Beagles Need Homes. These Folks Are Stepping Up.

By April Rubin and Jesus Jiménez via NYT U.S. https://ift.tt/nW9JQY2

There Are Holes on the Ocean Floor. Scientists Don’t Know Why.

By Christine Chung via NYT Science https://ift.tt/HRIbUZ9

Surprise Deal Would Be Most Ambitious Climate Action Undertaken by U.S.

By Lisa Friedman and Brad Plumer via NYT Climate https://ift.tt/2uhPA5c

JetBlue and Spirit announce plan to merge, creating fifth-largest U.S. airline.

By Niraj Chokshi via NYT Business https://ift.tt/naKAkbV

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/QibAxEt

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/sMDnemf

Show HN: OxideDB – Teach PostgreSQL Database How to Speak MongoDB Wire Protocol https://ift.tt/Sut3Mi4

Show HN: OxideDB – Teach PostgreSQL Database How to Speak MongoDB Wire Protocol Hey everyone! I have created a product that relies on MongoDB for a document store but doesn't really need any of the distributed features to really justify having a hosted MongoDB or DocumentDB instance. Now that we're trying to turn this into a product, we're seeing that some companies have a little bit of resistance around managing yet another database. Most of our clients already have and manage PostgreSQL in one form or another. I knew that PostgreSQL already offered first class JSON support, but I didn't want to rewrite the application data layer from scratch if I could avoid it. That's when I started researching if there was a "proxy" that would translate the MongoDB protocol - that I was completely ignorant about - into PostgreSQL. To my surprise there was nothing ready for production use but I found MangoDB that later on became FerretDB. I delved into the code and was in love with the idea. The team around is really nice, but I found that they had greater ambitions - they basically wanted to offer multiple backends, namely Tigris, on top of PostgreSQL. On the other hand, I have been waiting to find an excuse to delve deeply into the rust ecosystem but never really found something I was passionate about until I had the idea of challenging myself to see if I could learn about the protocol that MongoDB uses by relying on their public documentation and the hints I found on FerretDB. Fast forward 3 weeks and I have something I am almost comfortable on sharing yet super excited to get feedback on. It's in very early stages, and it's work from someone that is not yet super comfortable with the stack. Please don't be too harsh and keep in mind this is the beginning of a journey for me that I embarked out of pure joy on getting a tiny bit better on rust and making things click internally. Thank you for your time and if you would like to help me on this project please be more than welcome to reach out, either here, via email or directly on the GitHub repo. (heavy breathing before clicking submit :-) ) PS: I forgot to mention, but another thing I added to my toolbelt while developing this was about creating parsers. In order to transform MongoDB JSON to SQL queries, I ported an existing library from the MongoDB team from PEG.js to pest.rs! https://ift.tt/8qgB3re July 29, 2022 at 01:55AM

Show HN: WordBreak – A daily word puzzle game https://ift.tt/Mj6YPLe

Show HN: WordBreak – A daily word puzzle game https://wordbreak.io/ July 28, 2022 at 11:31PM

Thursday, July 28, 2022

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/4wCv0Hi

Show HN: A simple tool to easily create complex Midjourney prompts https://ift.tt/OFUA1T5

Show HN: A simple tool to easily create complex Midjourney prompts https://ift.tt/SdnilQ8 July 28, 2022 at 12:29AM

Show HN: Vessal – Shipping made purposeful https://ift.tt/WcEUpDg

Show HN: Vessal – Shipping made purposeful https://www.vessal.com/ July 28, 2022 at 01:58AM

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/OFvgbcs

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/4tR1G9u

Show HN: TypeScript Editor that generates structured forms from TypeScript types https://ift.tt/iJE7ohC

Show HN: TypeScript Editor that generates structured forms from TypeScript types Hey HN! I've been doing a lot of work with the TypeScript Compiler API[1] recently as part of my work on Preview.js[2], an IDE extension that lets you preview React/Solid/Vue components. One thing I noticed is that even with great autocomplete and type validation, creating/editing JS values that match a given TypeScript type can require a lot of typing. This is especially the case in Preview.js, where you can edit the props you pass to the component you're previewing in the bottom right panel. For example, quickly switching between different variants of a union type can be a hassle. To solve this, I decided to try creating a tool that generates a structured from for a given TypeScript type. For example if you pass it `type Foo = { bar: string, baz: number }`, it will show you a form with two inputs `bar` and `baz` with the appropriate types, and it will output the equivalent JS code (or JSON) as you type. You can try it at https://ift.tt/AuiagBJ I built this as a standalone tool so that I could debug it easily (and indeed, I found a ton of great bugs!). As it took shape, I realised there might be other use cases for it than Preview.js. Imagine for example using this in Postman (or whichever tool is better than Postman these days!) instead of inputting JSON values for your request payloads. Or perhaps using this for ad-hoc forms (the form is effectively encoded in the URL). I'm curious what you'd see yourself using this editor for? Any feedback welcome of course! Thanks François (@fwouts on Twitter) [1] https://ift.tt/zL4Smtj... [2] https://previewjs.com https://ift.tt/AuiagBJ July 27, 2022 at 11:17PM

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Show HN: Canvas, Browser, Note Taking, One app to rule them all https://ift.tt/s2RaiWg

Show HN: Canvas, Browser, Note Taking, One app to rule them all Superus is a canvas app with browser and notes built in. You can put all your workpieces(ex: Notion, Figma, Airtable) together in a visual workspace. https://ift.tt/PYTqm6X July 27, 2022 at 03:26AM

The Dystopian Myths of Red America

By Paul Krugman via NYT Opinion https://ift.tt/sjhM9a1

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/A694qZl

Show HN: I built a note taking tool that executes Python for indie hackers https://ift.tt/I8eoJSV

Show HN: I built a note taking tool that executes Python for indie hackers https://satta.dev/index July 27, 2022 at 12:12AM

‘Kind of Wild/Creative’: Emails Shed Light on Trump Fake Electors Plan

By Maggie Haberman and Luke Broadwater via NYT U.S. https://ift.tt/0JdPBEb

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

He Runs a New York Real Estate Empire. Did He Steal It?

By Stefanos Chen, Ted Clifford, Camellia Burris and Anna Watts via NYT U.S. https://ift.tt/iNHLdjE

Show HN: We made a way to earn subscriptions by having your computer turned on https://ift.tt/AoQTPV4

Show HN: We made a way to earn subscriptions by having your computer turned on With the recent explosion of streaming services, paying for the variety of monthly subscriptions is becoming a costly burden. Because of this, we made a desktop app that passively earns users money towards digital subscriptions based on how much data they serve on our peer-to-peer video content delivery network. We created this because we realized large corporations are taking user data to run targeted ads without compensating them. With our project, we hope that users will be able to pay for internet content using their extra computer processing power instead of their personal data. Note that this is a pre-alpha version of our product but please check it out and let us know what you think! Also note, that in future versions we will provide a power user feature with more data on the amount of CPU and bandwidth our application is using in order to provide even more transparency and control to the user. https://www.apiara.net July 26, 2022 at 03:30AM

As Jan. 6 Panel’s Evidence Piled Up, Conservative Media Doubled Down

By Jeremy W. Peters via NYT Business https://ift.tt/UIK8C20

Show HN: Visual interactive explanations of VLOOKUP use-cases https://ift.tt/zvKlMTO

Show HN: Visual interactive explanations of VLOOKUP use-cases https://vlookup.com July 25, 2022 at 09:52PM

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/P5Znt8e

Show HN: Open-Source Notion UI, Lotion https://ift.tt/3OfHBCl

Show HN: Open-Source Notion UI, Lotion My friend and I love the Notion UI, so we open-source a version we have been building. - Block-based editor - Drag to reorder blocks - Basic Markdown-parsing including bold, italic, headings and divider - Type '/' for command menu and shortcuts Tiny fun detail: When you move between blocks with your arrow keys, your cursor will remain at roughly the same horizontal position (vs jumping to the start or end of a block). Lotion is quite limited for now, and we would love any contributions (e.g. image blocks, video blocks, code blocks, etc.) https://ift.tt/50c3XTl July 26, 2022 at 01:23AM

Sunday, July 24, 2022

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/EVG7mzB

Recommended Recipe for you:

Every day at same time, post an automatic tweet

Show HN: A better way of version controlling IAC https://t.co/PC2rMhHFn8 https://t.co/i5XVKA1HTl

from Twitter https://twitter.com/frankienash54

July 24, 2022 at 06:55AM
via frankienash54

How to Get Vaccinated, Tested and Treated for Monkeypox

By Knvul Sheikh via NYT Well https://ift.tt/lRqrcSG

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/8Ozndwp

In 5 National Parks, Hidden Gems and Roads Less Traveled

By Colleen Creamer via NYT Travel https://ift.tt/gfdswVy

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Show HN: Cryptosaving a tool crypto DCA calculator https://ift.tt/UdjnpL9

Show HN: Cryptosaving a tool crypto DCA calculator I've built a tool to help the DCA calculator crypto. It supports the top 100 coins. https://ift.tt/bpt1TUs July 23, 2022 at 03:17AM

Bannon Found Guilty of Contempt in Case Related to Capitol Riot Inquiry

By Aishvarya Kavi and Alan Feuer via NYT U.S. https://ift.tt/yWdMjep

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/Lo9trjQ

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/3BECWn8

Show HN: A better way of version controlling IAC https://ift.tt/OU7xfSy

Show HN: A better way of version controlling IAC I believe I've reached a point in my career, and used Terraform enough, that I can confidently say that the semver system for managing IAC code bases simply doesn't cut it anymore. I'd love more widespread feedback on how I currently propose we version control our IAC. If the feedback is constructive and forthcoming, I'll move this written piece to a more formal location. This is currently being tested, with extremely positive results, at Cisco (yeah, the networking company.) https://ift.tt/sYH5q1w July 22, 2022 at 11:38PM

I’m a Virologist, and I’m Setting the Record Straight on Variants and Reinfections

By Jeremy Kamil via NYT Opinion https://ift.tt/pwRmbr7

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Do Eye Creams Actually Work for Wrinkles?

By Annie Sneed via NYT Well https://ift.tt/i04Nm6Q

DNA on Discarded Coffee Cup Leads to Arrest in a 1975 Homicide

By Eduardo Medina via NYT U.S. https://ift.tt/QO9iqpG

When We Consent, We Shouldn’t Feel Terrible After, Right?

By Emma Camp via NYT Opinion https://ift.tt/CX6sg0E

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/MJbVGEF

Show HN: A better way of version controlling IAC https://ift.tt/yousM9V

Show HN: A better way of version controlling IAC I believe I've reached a point in my career, and used Terraform enough, that I can confidently say that the semver system for managing IAC code bases simply doesn't cut it anymore. I'd love more widespread feedback on how I currently propose we version control our IAC. If the feedback is constructive and forthcoming, I'll move this written piece to a more formal location. This is currently being tested, with extremely positive results, at Cisco (yeah, the networking company.) https://ift.tt/aZI8sGM July 21, 2022 at 02:11AM

Hey, Is Anybody Watching the Interns?

By Emma Goldberg via NYT Business https://ift.tt/HfbSIrj

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

What Pregnancy and Childbirth Do to the Bodies of Young Girls

By Stephanie Nolen via NYT Health https://ift.tt/T7Sg6OY

Show HN: bashttp - a very (very) simple web server in Bash https://ift.tt/5SgG9qx

Show HN: bashttp - a very (very) simple web server in Bash https://ift.tt/zZ2fCcr July 20, 2022 at 02:07AM

Show HN: rqlite, the distributed database built on SQLite – now with ARM support https://ift.tt/MdxyJtT

Show HN: rqlite, the distributed database built on SQLite – now with ARM support https://ift.tt/LH8SjTe July 20, 2022 at 01:26AM

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/JldeipK

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Show HN: Open-source code editor for transforming data and building ML pipelines https://ift.tt/D5FOs8S

Show HN: Open-source code editor for transforming data and building ML pipelines https://ift.tt/37agr2U July 19, 2022 at 11:16PM

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Monday, July 18, 2022

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/6nXQ1lB

Show HN: A just another Cron alternative but with much more capabilities https://ift.tt/FCtbf0Q

Show HN: A just another Cron alternative but with much more capabilities I have created a Cron alternative that runs DAGs (Directed acyclic graph) defined in a simple YAML format. Why not Airflow? Airflow and other similar tools are powerful and valuable, but in most cases, they require writing code to manage workflows. Our ETL pipeline is already hundreds of thousands of lines of complex code in Perl and shell scripts. Adding another layer of Python on top of this would make it difficult to maintain. Instead, we needed a more lightweight solution. So we developed Dagu, which requires no coding, and is easy-to-use and self-contained, making it ideal for smaller projects with fewer people. https://ift.tt/eJPcgEU July 18, 2022 at 02:46AM

A Mysterious Fall Was the First Sign Something Was Wrong

By Lisa Sanders, M.D. via NYT Magazine https://ift.tt/hjtVlZn

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/tYZ4M7v

Show HN: Typograms, Markdown-like renderer for ASCII diagrams https://ift.tt/lFu76Yd

Show HN: Typograms, Markdown-like renderer for ASCII diagrams https://ift.tt/zedEAmt July 18, 2022 at 01:05AM

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Prosecutor Warns Georgia Officials They May Face Charges in Trump Inquiry

By Richard Fausset and Danny Hakim via NYT U.S. https://ift.tt/weERaZb

Ivana’s New York

By Dodai Stewart via NYT New York https://ift.tt/RigtfLV

20 Easy Salads for Every Summer Table

By Unknown Author via NYT Food https://ift.tt/6HVvY4P

Biden Concedes Defeat on Climate Bill as Manchin and Inflation Upend Agenda

By Jim Tankersley, Lisa Friedman and Coral Davenport via NYT Climate https://ift.tt/JQFlPj1

Victoria’s Secret and What’s Sexy Now

By Vanessa Friedman via NYT Style https://ift.tt/lG9eqVa

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/yDYWkO6

Show HN: dpScreenOCR – a program to recognize text on the screen https://ift.tt/L0ZDlxy

Show HN: dpScreenOCR – a program to recognize text on the screen In a nutshell, dpScreenOCR can recognize text from the selected screen area, and then can copy it to the clipboard, add it to history, or pass it as an argument to an executable. https://ift.tt/xjiIh7J July 17, 2022 at 01:05AM